( from internet)
Bhupendranath Datta and His Study of Indian Society
Amal Chattopadhyay, K.P. Bagchi, 1994, ix, 221 p, ISBN : 8170741475, Rs. 0.00 (Free shipping within India only. No extras for postage and handling. )
"The central aim of this study is to highlight the beginning of Indian social thinking in a systematic way and the role played by Bhupendranath Datta in the birth of Indian Sociology. In his early youth Bhupendranath Datta engaged himself in revolutionary activities aimed at the over-throw of foreign rule. During his sojourn in America and Europe he came in contact with the emigree Indian Revolutionary leaders and American and German working class leaders and working movements. He was also exposed to liberal and radical European intellectual traditions. In his latter life he organized the movement of peasants, workers, students and youths of Bengal. He also tried to give a theoretical foundation to the development of mass movement through his study of Indian society and culture from the standpoint of dialectical and historical materialism. In this book the Author has tried to provide a critical account of the philosophical foundation of Bhupendranath Datta’s Social Theory, the problem he faced in liberating contemporary intellectual traditions which distorted the image of Indian society and culture and also his attempt to provide a method and a perspective for the study of Indian society and culture. The Author has tried to give a critical account of the major areas of Dr. Datta’s sociological investigation including his limitation and also the continuing relevance of Bhupendranath Datta’s intellectual project for the study of Indian society and culture."
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