Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Narendranath and Ramkrishna (contd-2)

Being dis-collegiate in the prestigious college, Presidency College, he was studying in General Assemblies Institution at present Scottish Church College and studying B.A. after passing FA examination in 1881 when he met Sri Ramakrishna. he was particularly fascinated by the secrets of God's creation though he studied History, Science and Western Philosophy. As he advanced in his studies he became more rational than emotional and wanted to realize the Truth rationally.
Ramakrishna was a priest in the temple of Goddess Kali at Dakshineswar.. He was not a scholar but he was a great devotee and had realized God. Scholars who went to him became his disciples. On listening the song sung by Naren he went into a trance. After some time he took Narendra into a room. He patted Narendra on the backand said, " My child, why are you so late ? I have grown weary, waiting for you all these days. I wanted to share my experiences with the right person. You are not an ordinary man.You are lord Vishnu in human form.Do you know how much I have been craving for you ?" and he broke down.
Narendra became astonished with hi behavior.Ramakrishna asked, "Will you come again ? Promise me you will."
Narendra was eager to escape but said, " yes.", and asked him, "Have you seen God ?"
Ramakrishna replied, Ofcourse , I have. I have seen him , just as I am seeing you>I have even talked to him. I can show Him to you. But who is yearning to see God?"  Narendra said to himself, " Till today no one told me he had seen god. This man looks mentally deranged.; Possibly he  is even mad. However, it i  not proper to judge without investigation."
Naren's second visit with Ramakrishna;
A month later Narendra came to Dakshineswar alone. Ramakrishna was resting on a cot in his room. He was pleased to see Narendra and asked him to sit on his cot. He went into a trance and put his leg on Narendra's lap.  Narendra forgot the outer world . He felt that he was dissolving. He shouted , "What's this you are doing to me ? My parents are still alive. I should go back to them. " Simingly Sri Ramakrishna said, " Enough for today," and drew back his leg. Narendra became normal again.
Ramakrishna said, " A man died and became an evil spirit. Anxious to have a companion, whenever the spirit heard that someone had passed away it would at once go to that place hoping to get a companion; but everytime it returned disappointed, because the soul had been liberated through some act or other of piety . Such is case with me . As soon as I saw you, I thought I had a friend, but you too said that you had your mother and father at home ! I am therefore living alone without a companion, like the spirit in the story."


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